I have been stuck at home for a few extra days with the whooping cough. It is never ending, it's been going on for five weeks now and I must say I'm exhausted. So while I was confined all day in the flat, I didn't have much energy. I ended up doing the same thing everyday and even if I was sick, it was heaven. Once I would managed to drag myself out of bed, eat, wash, dress, it would be the afternoon already. So everyday I put a film on and I painted - I am really discovering a passion for that and I am really hoping to make something out of it.

But back to the films, I watched Roman Holiday (William Wyler - 1953), Charade (Stanley Donan - 1963), Sabrina (Billy Wilder - 1954) and Breakfast at Tiffany's (Blake Edwards - 1961). I also wanted to watch The Philadelphia Story (George Cukor - 1940) but I couldn't put my hand on my DVD, very annoying. It all sounds very highbrow but I love old films, not all old films but if Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant or James Stewart is in it I absolutely can't resist. I love how everyone looks great, Audrey Hepburn was such a beauty, and I can't resist a man in a suit. Well actually that's just for Cary Grant and my husband. And Mad Men. Anyway, you get it I love the fashion, I love the interiors, I love the way of life.

All the one I've watched have one thing in common: Audrey Hepburn. I always thought I have a Marilyn Monroe girl but I think I am both. I am moved and touched by Marilyn fragility and sadness, The Misfits (John Huston - 1961) is for me her best. most beautiful performance, I love that film but it is a difficult film to watch for me, it gets to me. So for a quiet sick afternoon in, the funny, smart, sparkly Audrey Hepburn is usually a better choice. I can't part Sabrina and Charade, they are my two favourites. They are probably both in my top ten. Billy Wilder is one of my favourite director (Some Like It Hot and Sunset Boulevard are simply masterpieces) and Audrey Hepburn with Humphrey Bogart are quite an unexpected couple, that's what makes it so good. This film is funny and moving, and who can resist Audrey singing La vie en rose. And Charade... Well Charade has Cary Grant in it. He is my favourite actor, I find him hilarious and extremely smart and charming. The two of them are a delight together, it's almost a surreal film and it puts me in such a good mood.

Roman Holiday wasn't my favourite when I watched it the first time years ago. I loved it a lot more this time round. Nothing bad to say about Gregory Peck either! As for Breakfast at Tiffany's, it just doesn't work for me. I can't be objective about it, I don't know if it's a good film or not, it probably is. But the thing is that the book by Truman Capote is probably in my top five of books. I've read it many times and I find it beautiful and well, it has nothing to do with the film. They basically just kept the name, the cat and the visiting prisoner story, the rest is so different. It is not a love story, there is no happy ending and she is not happy. It was written for Marilyn Monroe, lost, depressed, fragile. Like her the character changed her name, drinks a lot, never stays in one place, lives in suitcases... It is a great book but the film for me is always a bit of a let down.
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